The International Max Planck Research School on Trustworthy Computing (IMPRS-TRUST) offers a fully funded graduate program in cooperation with the Saarbrücken Graduate School of Computer Science at Saarland University and with the PhD Program at the Department of Computer Science at the University of Kaiserslautern.
The program leads to a doctoral degree from one of the participating universities and is open to students with a bachelor’s or master’s degree in computer science (or an equivalent degree). Admitted students receive full funding to cover their living expenses and tuition fees. Students admitted to IMPRS-TRUST can enroll at either Saarland University or at the University of Kaiserslautern.
Applications are to be submitted through the IMPRS-TRUST online application system; both partner universities are involved in the admissions process. Shortlisted applicants are typically asked to deliver a 15-minute (online) research presentation, followed by a question and answer session. Application Talks are held twice a year: in February (application deadline end-December) and in August (application deadline end-June). Please check our front page for information about the exact date of the current application deadline. Applications can be submitted all year.
Program Structure
The PhD program at IMPRS-TRUST is divided into an orientation phase, a preparation phase, and a dissertation phase.
Additional Study Options:
PhD Program of the Saarbrücken Graduate School of Computer Science
PhD Program in Computer Science at University of Kaiserslautern
Master’s Programs of the Computer Science Department of Saarland University
Master’s Programs at the Computer Science Department of University of Kaiserslautern
Further Information:
Research groups at the MPI for Informatics
Research groups at the MPI for Software Systems
Research groups at the Department of Computer Science at Saarland University
Research groups at the Department of Computer Science at University of Kaiserslautern