

Mateusz Malinowski: Dr. Eduard Martin-Preis
Noshaba Cheema: Best Poster Award, ACM SIGGRAPH/Eurographics – Symposium on Computer Animation


Petr Kellnhofer: Dr. Eduard Martin-Preis
Franziska Müller: Google PhD Fellowship
Anna Rohrbach: Otto-Hahn-Medaille


Franziska Müller: Günter-Hotz-Medal
Franziska Müller: Stiftungspreis der „Erich-Ferdinand-Bläse-Stiftung für Forschung und Wissenschaft“
Omar Darwish: Günter-Hotz-Medal
Kailash Budhathoki: Young Researcher at the Heidelberg Laureate Forum 2016, Heidelberg
Sanjar Karaev: ECML PKDD ’16 Best Student Paper Award
Sandy Heydrich: Google PhD Fellowship
Siyu Tang: Winner of the Multi-Object Tracking Challenge at ECCV 2016
Vahid Hashemi: SIGAPP travel fellowship for ACM SAC 2016


Sven-Eric Schelhorn: Dr. Eduard Martin-Preis
Mohamed Gad-Elrab: Günter-Hotz-Medal
Anne-Christin Hauschild: Metabolites Best Paper Award, Third prize


Sourav Dutta: Google European Doctoral Fellowship 2014
Ndapandula Nakashole: Otto Hahn Medal
Goray Jindal: Günter-Hotz-Medal
Dylla Maximilian: GI DBIS Dissertation Award


Sven-Eric Schelhorn: Genome Biology DNA Day Bioinformatics Challenge winner
Carola Winzen: Otto Hahn Medal


Gerard de Melo: Dr. Eduard Martin Award
Matthias Hullin: Otto-Hahn-Medal
Tunc Aydin: Eurographics PhD Dissertation Award
Carola Winzen, Madhusudan Manjunath: Feodor Lynen Fellowship of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation
Alejandro Pirionti: Best Poster Presentation of 2012, 10th European Meeting on HIV & Hepatitis, Barcelona
Aleksandar Stupar: Google Travel Grant SIGMOD conference, 2012


Elham Afsari Yeganeh, Oana Ciobotaru: Google Anita Borg Scholarship Finalists
Karolina Soltys: Recipient of the American Association of University Women Fellowship
Natalia Prytkova: Student Grant of the 8th European Summer School on Information Retrieval
Adrian Neumann: Günter Hotz Medal
Johannes Hoffart: Best Demo Paper Award at the World Wide Web Conference 2011
Tobias Ritschel: Eurographics Best Dissertation Award


Richard Röttger: Siemens Award
Sebastian Gerling: Förderpreis im Rahmen des GDD-Wissenschaftspreises
Gerard de Melo: CIKM Best Paper Award 2010
Carola Winzen: Google Europe Doctoral Fellowship in Randomized Algorithms
Christoph Bock: Dr. Eduard Martin Award
Fabian Müller, Silke Jansen: Günter Hotz Medal
Sven-Eric Schelhorn: ISMB Travel Fellowship
Karl Bringmann: Best Paper Award at Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO ’10)
Nadezhda Doncheva: Travel Fellowship Award for VIZBI 2010 Workshop, Heidelberg
Nadezhda Doncheva: Travel Fellowship Award for ECCB 2010 Conference, Ghent, Belgium


Yana Mileva: Google Anita Borg Scholarship Finalist
Sebastian Michel: GI DBIS Dissertation Award
Dorothea Emig: Travel Grant from the Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds, Foundation for Basic Research in Medicine, funding the research stay at UC Berkeley, San Francisco, CA, USA, February – April 2009
Thomas Schulz, Fabian Suchanek: Otto Hahn Medal
Lukas Marsalek: Best Poster Award at German Conference on Bioinformatics


Yana Mileva : Google Anita Borg Scholarship Finalist
Torsten Langer: Best Paper Award for GMP Conference 2008 Paper
Gerard de Melo: Best Paper Award at the ICGL Conference
Christoph Bock: Otto Hahn Medal


Peter Haider, Ulf Brefeld: Best Student Paper Award at the International Conference on Machine Learning
Martin Theobald: Honorable Mention within the Sigmod Dissertation Award
Ralitsa Angelova: Google Anita Borg Scholarship Finalist
Oliver Sander: Best Poster Presentation at the 5th European HIV Drug Resistance Workshop
Sebastian Michel: Otto Hahn Medal


Rafal Mantiuk: Heinz Billing Award
Stefan Popov: Best Paper Award, IRT06, Salt Lake City
Hans-Jörg Peter: Diplomarbeitspreis of the Ernst Denert Foundation
Martin Theobald, Christian Theobalt: Otto Hahn Medal
Christian Theobalt: Dr. Eduard Martin Award


Michael Goesele: Dr. Eduard Martin Award
Ingo Wald: Saar LB-Wissenschaftspreis
Niko Beerenwinkel, Andrey Rybalchenko: Otto Hahn Medal
Christian Theobalt: ATI Fellowship Award
Andreas Karrenbauer, Eric Berberich: Günter Hotz Medal
Julia Luxenburger: Diplompreis of the GI-Gruppe Südwest


Peter Sanders: Forschungspreis „Technische Kommunikation 2004“ of the Alcatel SEL Foundation
Tobias Sing: Award of the Landesentwicklungsgesellschaft Baden-Württemberg
Jan Kautz: Dr. Eduard Martin Award
Arno Eigenwillig: Günter Hotz Medal


Thomas Annen: Thesis „Advanced Shadow Map Parameterization“ distinguished as best diploma thesis from a German Fachhochschule
Jan Kautz: DAAD Postdoc scholarship
Jochen Maydt: Prechel-Stiftung Award for Excellence
Jochen Maydt: Kühborth-Stiftung Award for Excellence
Jan Kautz: Emmy Noether Grant
Jan Kautz: Otto Hahn Medal
Ulrich Meyer: Dr. Eduard Martin Award


Jan Kautz: nVidia Fellowship 2002
Thomas Hillenbrand: Woody Bledsoe Travel Grant 2002
Stefan Funke: Otto Hahn Medal